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Situated on a hill dominating the Belice and Modione valleys, Partanna offers the visitor suggestive views which pass over the surrounding green plains to the faraway maritime headlands. Like all the other towns of the Belice area, Partanna also suffered the devastating force of the earthquake of ’68. Today, however, it is a centre linked to a wine-making and vine growing activity with the production of fine wine, an important and fine olive oil, and a particular type of cheese based on sheep’s milk (Vastedda). Obligatory stops include the Castle of the ancient landowners Grifeo (which is home to a modern and suggestive Prehistoric Museum) and the recent archaeological park of Stretto district, where its network of deep Neolithic ditches has given Partanna the title of City of the Ditch Civilization.
Situated on a hill dominating the Belice and Modione valleys, Partanna offers the visitor suggestive views which pass over the surrounding green plains to the faraway maritime headlands. Like all the other towns of the Belice area, Partanna also suffered the devastating force of the earthquake of ’68. Today, however, it is a centre linked to a wine-making and vine growing activity with the production of fine wine, an important and fine olive oil, and a particular type of cheese based on sheep’s milk (Vastedda). Obligatory stops include the Castle of the ancient landowners Grifeo (which is home to a modern and suggestive Prehistoric Museum) and the recent archaeological park of Stretto district, where its network of deep Neolithic ditches has given Partanna the title of City of the Ditch Civilization.
Partanna, Safe Land for the Arabs, is a stupendous balcony over Belice. It is situated on a luminous hill from which the eye can see as far as the sea: a land of strong chromatic contrasts where the blue of the sky darkens between thick lines of olive trees and vines or is warmed by the colour of the wheat. Spectacular views can be enjoyed from various parts of the city and from the belvedere-look out points: from the Piazza Barone Adragna, overlooking the imposing castle of Grifeo, the large valley of the river Modione, presents itself in all its splendour; from Piazza Falcone e Borsellino, on especially clear days, the view goes as far as Pantelleria and also as far as Castelvetrano, Santa Ninfa, and the coastline between Mazara and Sciacca. Another beautiful view can be seen from the church of San Rocco. Further up in Montagna district, along the panoramic road, the Egadi islands, Salemi and Gibellina can be admired.
The town already existed in 988, probably as an Arab casale (hamlet), Barthamnah began its real history with Giovanni II Grifeo who, in April 1139 was given the title of first baron of Partanna by Ruggero II, after Giovanni I, according to the genealogic documents of the casale, had saved the life of the Great count Ruggero I, by killing the Arab warrior Mokarta during the conquest of Mazara; this episode is represented in a fresco in the arms room of the castle. In the following centuries it followed the destinies of the noble Grifeo family who greatly influenced the urban development, promoting the construction of churches and monastery complexes, and from 1627 procured the title of Principality for the town. After the serious damage caused by the earthquake 1968, which profoundly marked the city both from a urban and social-economic point of view, a new quarter in Camarro district was founded which today has more than six thousand inhabitants.
The territory of Partanna extends between the rivers Modione and Belice. In some areas there are characteristic long large canals called Valloni (large valleys), which are semi natural areas with an appearance similar to North African Oued, important oases of biodiversity, fundamental for the hydro geological arrangement of the territory. The Riserva di Zangara is a precious example of original scrub and woodland vegetation which is found inside a gorge, formed by rugged rocks, in the Castello di Pietra locality. Here, where a tributary of the Belice falls from the rocks in a waterfall, a rich Mediterranean vegetation has grown, in which many shrub and arboreal species of Mediterranean vegetation, numerous ferns and a spectacular Quercus virgiliana which grows in the arm of the tributary can be found. In rocky landscapes, the Peregrine falcon, the black throated wheateater, , the sparrow, and the marten make their nests.
The important presence of Neolithic ditches in Stretta district (5570-4400 B.C.), which might have been used for irrigation purposes, has earned Partanna the denomination of Città della Civiltà dei Fossai - City of the Ditch Civilization. A gallery of the same age as the ditches which leads to a pool of water was also of cultural use. For the singularity of the place, the Stretto has been defined Santuario delle acque - Sanctuary of the waters.
In the same site, caved tombs, bronze age ceramics and vases of the Partanna-Naro, typology, characteristic of other prehistoric villages in the Trapani area have been brought to light. Proof of the high level of development of the inhabitants of the site is a extremely particular finding; a drilled skull which carries the signs of a surgical operation
The interesting remains of three huts belonging to the middle bronze age (XV - XIII century B.C.) are visible on the prehistoric site brought to light in the interior courtyard of the Municiple technical office.
In 1468 the famous Dalmation sculptor Francesco Laurana in 1468 set up a workshop in Partanna and made the marble coat of arms of the Grifo family, which is on the gateway of the courtyard of the castle. The baptism fountain now in the Mother church, and the Madonna dell’Udienza, in the Carmine church, possibly finished by a local maestro are also attributed to Laurana. The Mother church is a real treasure chest of art; the rich apparatus of stuccoes (1692-1729) mostly carried out by Vincenzo Messina and his sons Giacomo and Giovanni, including the scenographic and complex Trasfigurazione (1717) are interesting. Among the paintings and sculptures the monumental wooden organ stands out, its design is attributed to Paolo Amato (1678), and it was made by Natale Puglisi (1697).
The mural sculpture of the Caserma dei Carabinieri (Carabinieri Barracks) and the Bifrontale per Rocco Chinnici, in the giudicial offices are by Pietro Consagra.
The Grifeo Castle is one of the best conserved of the province. It dates back presumably to the XIV century, even if restoration work and changes have altered its original appearance. It has the solemn appearance of an ancient fortress with battlements and three large wings around a large courtyard. The Mother Church (XVI- XVII centuries), whose damaged parts were rebuilt after the 1968 earthquake, has kept its original external appearance with sober lateral bell towers and two spacious loggias (XVIII century). The church of San Rocco (1576) with the elegant and original bell tower, is a small architectural beauty, internally decorated with stuccoes and paintings. Among the noble buildings on the main street, the palazzo Todaro Molinari, the Monte di Pietà (XVI century) of Baroque style, and palazzo Pisciotta Calandra (1795) of clearly Neoclassic lines stand out.
In the Christmas period it is traditional to make, on the balconies or outside the house, small votive aedicules, decorated with laurel leaves and containing sacred images of baby Jesus or the Sacred family, to which a novena of prayer is dedicated from the 16th to the 24th of December, with moving popular lullaby songs accompanied by the sound of bagpipes.
The tradition of making altari di San Giuseppe – the altars of Sant Joseph, during the festivities for the saint has recently been reintroduced. The altars are decorated with bread in shapes symbolising la nature, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and characteristic cucciddati, large doughnuts. To the Virgins, once three poor people representing the Sacred Family, and in front of the votive altar, a lunch of numerous courses, to give thanks following a healing or as auspicies for work or a good vintage year.
In Partanna plaster, paint, coverings, varnishes and similar for boats, building and industry, the bulding trade, for industry and also for the bio-building industry are produced. Particularly innovative is the production of biological paint made up of fruit and citrus fruit extracts, in particular orange peel. A company supplies terpenes, composites which are different from petrol-chemical solvents as they have a minimal impact on the environment both when used and when thrown away. The orange terpene which is completely biodegradable, is not considered to be toxic waste and does not contain substances which damage the ozone layer. It is a good natural composition which is an excellent solvent for colours which are added to make the paint. For the preparation of these particular eco-compatible paints, wood oil, lino linseed oil, turpentine essence and lemon oil is used.
Partanna is the città delle cipolle – city of the onions which are red in colour, with a sweet taste and large dimensions and a weight which goes from 1/2 kg to 1 kg.
The rivers Belice and Modione have given life to a fertile plain and to the development of an agricultural and zootechnical vocation. The people of Partanna produce wine, oil from the renowned Nocellara del Belice PDO, delicious cheese including la Vastedda, also a PDO, a round, a stretched curd cheese made from Belice sheep milk, a native race of sheep. It is eaten in slices, preferably dressed with oil and oregano. For the typicality of its produce, Partanna is member of the national associations Città del vino – City of wine, and Città dell’olio – City of oil and of the Consorzio di tutela Valle del Belice - Protection cooperative of Valle del Belice, for the cheese sector.
The vegetables are the ingredients for numerous first courses, like pasta with broccoli, or pasta with macco, that is to say, dressed with broad beans and wild fennel.
The castle is today home to an interesting Centro d’Interpretazione e Valorizzazione Territoriale Centre of Territorial Interpretation and Valuation which groups together the ethnic-anthropological museum and the Museum of Basso Belice: the first holds tools and objects from the farming civilisation of the valley of Belice, the second exhibits precious prehistoric material mostly coming from the Stretto district. Of great interest are the bell shaped cups and the large whole vase from the Capo d’Acqua. In the arms room there are seventeenth century paintings from the church of San Nicola da Tolentino and the altar piece with the Madonna del Rosario tra Santi Domenico e Caterina - Madonna of the Rosary between Saints Domenico and Caterina by Simon di Wobreck (1585). The stables of the castle are also part of the museum and now hold a conference room and the cellar with ancient barrels.
The council library has a patrimony of 14.127 volumes, with special anciente archives coming from ex-monasteries.
The patron saint of the town, San Vito, is celebrated on the 15th June with processions and a historical parade. The people of Partanna are particularly devoted to San Francesco di Paola, to whom two Sundays after Easter a heartfelt and well attended procession, a “vampata” (blaze) and fireworks are dedicated.
Another heartfelt religious tradition is the pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Madonna Della Libera which is situated in Montagna district. Not only the people of Partanna but also the people from the nearby villages, arrive in large numbers on the first Sunday in October to make homage to the Madonna. This cult affirmed itself in the XIX century following a miraculous event when a trader from Palermo, after being robbed and put in chains by bandits was liberated by the Madonna who appeared to him with baby Jesus in her arms. In honour of the Virgin Mary,first a small church rose, which was destroyed in the 1968 earthquake, and then the sanctuary was founded.
Partanna has a good sporting culture and has football fields, and tennis courts and school and private gyms which offer a satisfactory service for the practicing of various disciplines. Of particular importance is the sports centre Peppino Impastato which is used for events and exhibitions. Sports clubs and circles are active and promote events, meetings, martial arts and chess tournaments and go kart races. A sporting club has had a prestigious role in Sicilian volleyball for many years and an amateur cub offers cycling and walking/running activities. It is possible to practice trekking and excursions in the enchanting territory and pleasant walks can be taken around the town streets amongst elegant and assorted shops, ands stopping in the town square which is a meeting place for young and old.
Regular appointments are the Mostra Mercato del Bestiame – Livestock Exhibition Market which takes place on the second Sunday of every month, in which many breeders and producers from all over Western Sicily participate, and the Fiera dell’artigianato – Craft fair in the winter season. At Christmas, the Festa d’inverno - Winter festival takes place from the 8th of December to the 6th of January Estate partannese – Partanna Summer is busy season of very popular events and displays, with shows, high level musical reviews, many of which take place in the modern architecture of the Open air theatre of Montagna district which has a strong visual, landscape impact. Particularly important is the Concorso Nazionale Teatro-scuola Grifo d’oro – National Theatre-School Grifo D’oro Competition: an event which offers students from Italian schools of any type, the opportunity to put their acting to the test and is an important moment for meetings and exchanges.
The beauties di (en)Partanna

La church, rebuilt after the post earthquake demolition, was founded in 1646 and has few ancient...

In 1468 the famous Dalmation sculptor Francesco Laurana in 1468 set up a workshop in Partanna ...

The council library has a patrimony of 14.127 volumes, with special anciente archives coming...

Another heartfelt religious tradition is the pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of the Madonna Della...

Significant example of late baroque building, the palazzo Todaro-Molinari is characterised by...

The territory of Partanna extends between the rivers Modione and Belice. In some areas there are...

The tradition of making altari di San Giuseppe – the altars of Sant Joseph, during the...
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