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The statue of Sant'Oliva is one of the masterpieces of Antonello Gagini (1511) and is...
City: Alcamo

The church of San Francesco di Paola is decorated by a splendid group of eight statues,...
City: Alcamo

The vault of the nave in the Mother Church is decorated with frescoes by the famous Flemish...
City: Alcamo

Alcamo has three libraries: the council library dedicatd to Sebastiano Bagolino, with a...
City: Alcamo

Author of the famous dialogue poem “Rosa fresca aulentissima" which is one of the most antique...
City: Alcamo

The artistic byzantibe style Madonna del Miele is of great importance. The painting, on a wooden...
City: Alcamo

Inside the sanctuary in the chapel of San Vito enriched with local marble and with statues by...
City: San Vito Lo Capo

For centuries the town developed as a agricultural centre, until the night between the 14th and...
City: Poggioreale

The Festa del Crocefisso – Crucifix Celebration, is the oldest celebration of the city, and the...
City: Campobello di Mazara